Minor Consent PARENT / LEGAL GUARDIAN CONSENT FORM I am the parent / legal guardian of (unaccompanied minor's name): (Print name of unaccompanied minor) The above-named minor has my permission to be transported as an unaccompanied minor in a perimeter seating-style vehicle, operated by VIP Vegas Limousine, LLC dba/ All Time Limo on the below-listed date: DATE OF SERVICE MM slash DD slash YYYY I am aware I may be contacted to confirm my consent and that the unaccompanied minor may be refused transportation if I am unable to be reached. I am aware that I am responsible for the above-named minor, including but not limited to any irregular behavior. I understand that standing while in the vehicle is in motion, is dangerous and illegal and I have discussed this with the above-named minor. I agree that no alcoholic beverages or any other prohibited substances will be brought into the vehicle by the above-named minor. I understand that the consumption of alcohol by a minor is unlawful. I understand the chauffeur will only follow the route agreed upon by the Guardian. I give permission for the chauffeur to inspect bags if he or she has reason to believe there are illicit substances on board. If I cannot meet the vehicle at the designated drop-off location, you have my permission to drop the above-named minor off. I understand that if at any time, any passengers are found to have in their possession or have at any time during the course of the service, been consuming alcohol or illegal substances, the services shall be terminated. The chauffeur has the discretion of returning to the point of pickup or ending service at the point of infraction. A parent or legal guardian will be contacted immediately to collect the minor, should this occur I am fully aware that upon any infraction of this agreement, all monies are forfeited and there will be no refunds. Parent / Legal Guardian printed name & Driver License# or ID #:(Required) -Parent / Legal Guardian signature(Required)Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Parent / Legal Guardian phone number:(Required)CAPTCHA DOWNLOAD PDF FORM